Monday, July 11, 2011

July Frigid WInter Weekend - Fouriesburg and Lesotho

Once again the weather played its part. With the remarkable summer rains, Lesotho's waterfalls turned to ice for the Creative Escapes photographers.

Early mornings are biting cold and 'cold to the bone' is a term that is well understood by the photographers this past weekend.

With warm welcomes on return and hot soup and tasty stews in the evening, the group felt that the cheek biting weather was worth the effort.

 The Malobamatsi River - Lesotho

Frozen River

We donned our Antarctic gear and with good wind breakers, ruffs and 'long-johns' we braved the chill to enjoy superb photographic opportunities.

The images David captured were exceptional and certainly made the early morning trek into Lesotho more than worth while.