Monday, March 30, 2009

Namibia and Cosmos

Bit of an odd title, but this is to update on our recent journeys. 

We had a remarkable time in Namibia. Roads straight and well kept. Few people [only about 1.2 million people in the country] and great photographic opportunities. 

David and I attended the Desert Light workshop organised by Lydia Ellis and presented by Willem Oets and Nicole Palmer. I was a non-photographic participant and had a wonderful time reading and at times watching the beautiful audio visuals. David had a great time indulging in photography from pre-dawn to late night.

But we also visited Luderitz, Elizabeth Bay and Kolmanskop beforehand. Other wonderful photos were taken by David in that environment.

We stayed at some great lodges and re-visited Kulala Lodge which is one of our favourite places to stay. Great views of the desert and fine accommodation.

We had our first Creative Escapes weekend for 2009 at the end of March. With beautiful cosmos to photograph and a visit to Lesotho, all the delegates had a splendid weekend. 

The next Creative Escapes weekend is at the end of April - the Autumn Wonders of the Eastern Free State.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Namibia Trek

Well here we are, ready to trek and explore again. We can't remember when last we went to Namibia, but we are packed and raring to go. We have purchased the recommended shade cloth to protect the radiator from the grass seeds in Namibia - so we will experience a wonderful new aspect of the country.

David is attending a photographic workshop - Desert Light - with Willem Oets, Nicole Palmer and Lydia Ellis which promises to be a marvelous opportunity. I have packed a library of books, a small AppleMac computer and my enthusiasm for writing. So it seems that both of us will have a grand time. 

At the end of the month we hold our first Creative Escapes weekend workshop for 2009 - Cosmos in Fouriesburg. The Cosmos fields look promising, so watch this space for updated details in the next few weeks.