Friday, February 25, 2011

Write Your Photo

Join David and Fred as they take you through creative steps to learn to Write Your Photo. They will encourage you to Find Story to fit your Photo or the Photo to fit your Story!

Two fun-filled morning will be enjoyed by all: Sunday 6 March and Sunday 3 April as a follow-up.

An image taken in the Dullstroom area by David. 
What would you caption this image? What story would you write about it? Join the workshop and find out more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February Day Workshop

It is always exciting to meet new photographers. In our first workshop of the year we met some keen photographer, people with new cameras and new enthusiasm for a new found hobby!

David's presentations included evaluation of light, understanding exposure and introduction to Photoshop. Of course creativity was a focus and as that is one of David's passions.

As always Helen served a delicious meal and wine from several vineyards was enjoyed.

David chatting to the group

The day was intense and rewarding. The next Creative Escapes weekend is Cosmos in March in the Eastern Free State. We hope to see you there.