We have as always had the most special time in the Mara. Guests have captured amazing images and we have all shared wonderful times in the bush.
Yesterday we glimpsed a leopard and her cub frolicking [I use the term deliberately] in the scrub near Kichwa. We then drove through the plains and came across a cheetah that has taken up residence in the open areas in front of the camp. A young male, who had eaten most comfortably over the past few days, was hungry and ready to hunt. We watched the whole event with bated breath and much trepidation. The baby gazelle jigging through the veldt and the cheetah waiting his time.
The little one advanced as the cheetah waited with infinite patience. Gazelle lies in a hollow in the grass. Cheetah advances in frozen steps. Cheetah like an elastic band shoots through the bush . Dust. Zig-zags. Dust. No gazelle. No kill. A very puffed cheetah. 1 to the Gazelles, 0 to the Cheetahs and 100% to the photographers who captured the most spectacular photographs.
We never saw the baby gazelle again and think he must have taken a matatu to Nairobi.
We left the cheetah lying in the open surely thinking of missed opportunities. We have a lesson to learn from this. A cheetah misses 9 out of 10 kill attempts. Still manages to get up and try again and again. Thoughts to apply to our own lives perhaps?
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